Sunday, August 25, 2013

Calming your mind

Each one has to find his peace from within.
And peace to be real must be unaffected
by outside circumstances.
Mahatma Gandhi

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with frantic thoughts about all the stuff you need to get done the next day? Do you ever feel unsure about where to start because you have so many things to do and not nearly enough time to get it all done?

Everyone has these feelings occasionally, but you can begin to overcome them by learning to calm your mind. A calm mind is a more alert, attentive and proactive mind, and in learning to remove your anxious thinking, you can learn to enjoy your life more.

Gaining peace within

When your mind is racing non-stop, you will be hard-pressed to find inner peace. The faster your mind races, the more anxious and frustrated you will become, and this causes you to be unproductive. You really don’t have to go on living this way. There are many ways to calm your overactive mind that you can easily learn and will help you lead a more calm and peaceful life.


If your mind starts running a million miles a second, and you are not sure which way to turn next, try to stop, take a breath and repeat a positive affirmation. When you use the power of positive self-talk (rather than negative self-talk), you will begin to reprogram your mind to work in newer and different ways.

When things feel like they are getting completely out of hand, you can use an affirmation like, “I trust in my ability to relax. I am calm and peaceful.” Although this may not be the case at this exact moment, if you repeat this a few times, and actually listen to yourself saying it, you will begin to believe it. This will help you change your internal dialog in those precious few moments when you are tempted to give in to the craziness that is surrounding you.

Positive affirmations are important because they give you permission to turn off the negative dialog racing through your mind and replace it with positive thoughts. The negative dialog feeds the feelings of fear, doubt and turmoil, and when you replace them with peaceful affirmations, you change your life and your outlook, one positive statement and one positive step at a time.

If you have a hard time believing that this strategy will work for you, give it a try. But you must approach this with both an open heart and mind. It really does work! In a very short time you will begin to feel more at peace and you can reap the benefits in every area of your life.

Sidestep the craziness

Many People think and feel that they cannot do anything about the crazy lives they lead, the inner discontent they feel and the crazy people they work and socialize with. I can assure you that this is not the case. When you use positive affirmations, you can reprogram your brain so that there is only room for positive thinking. You will be surprised to find how quickly a positive affirmation like,  “I trust that there is a plan for my life, even if it has yet to be revealed to me” can work for you.

If you feel as though your life has gotten knocked off course and you do not feel that it is possible to get back to leading a calmer life, why not give a peaceful affirmation a try?  If you repeat the positive affirmations often enough, you will soon begin to believe them, and you will be able to turn a seemingly simple statement into your desired reality.


- Article source :

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How You Can Grow Through Personal Development

There are many Americans who wish to better in their lives.For some, this may mean personal needs, they prefer to concentrate on improving their professional careers. The article is ideal for anyone looking to work on some form of all ages who have ever thought about becoming a better person.

Avoiding decisions means missing out on an opportunity when engaging in the arena of personal development. You shouldn't fear making a decision, even if you feel that you do not have all the information. Even decisions are useful because they allow the decision-maker to learn from the mistake. A bad choice will help you choose the right path next time.

Read good books about personal development. A good personal development book on the subject may set you on a course that will change your life. Try choosing a volume that has several positive reviews because poorly done books in the genre are fairly common.

Identify what is standing in between you from being successful. This is very hard to do for a lot of people. If you are successful in moving obstacles out of your way, you can find the way to clear your path.

Everyone has beliefs that is integral to their identity. This practice also promotes consistency, a valuable character trait to keep.

Create a personal development plan that is centered around personal values are. It makes no sense to concentrate on things that might contradict your values.

You need to care of other people unless you take care of yourself. No matter where you are in life, always make resting and restoring yourself a top priority.

You may find that meeting and talking with a spiritual or secular counselor a minister. These people are experienced and experience with this sort of thing. They are able to look into your life from the outside and give sound advice that you can't see.

You should always treat everyone with respect, regardless of their relationship to you or your goals. The way you behave toward others is highly indicative of your own character.

Make it a habit to constantly ask yourself what's important in your life the focus of how you are still focused on it.

Remove the disorganization from your life.When you are organized you have much more of a feeling of being in control, you will improve your confidence and feel accomplished in many different areas of your life.This will also lead to less stress caused by disorganization. Having everything in its own place instills a sense of calm and ease.

Being a selfless is an important part of personal development. Knowing how to care for others, by making the sacrifices within yourself, can greatly benefit your inner character. If you are able to sacrifice for others, then you are already well on your way to becoming a person you can be proud of.

For many, there is a vague feeling of discontentment and an urge to facilitate change, but they lack the knowledge needed to begin. This article will give you many ideas to get going, though keep in mind that only you can make a change. If you lose motivation and need a nudge in the future, refer back to this article for some uplifting ideas.

Visit this website for more information.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Benefits of Exercises and Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

As more and more people ask more and more from their bodies, injuries to their bodies are becoming a normal part of our society. Things like the X games, where skateboarders and bicyclists attempt death defying feats, on their skateboards and bikes, are becoming commonplace. Even regular sports like football and baseball can result in cringe inducing videos of athletes getting hurt.

If these people, arguably in top physical condition, can get hurt, you and I don't stand much of a chance do we? Sadly, lower back pain is a part of many people's lives. That's why exercises and yoga stretches for lower back pain are becoming increasingly popular with every passing day. Yoga stretches, along with normal bodily exercise, are certainly a good route to go; when you are suffering from lower back pain.

Exercise, combined with a good, nutritious diet and plenty of rest, is something everyone should do on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it takes something like a lower back injury, for people to realize just how frail their bodies are. By that time, it's too late. The damage has already been done. We just have to fix it as best as we can and do everything in power to prevent it from happening again or getting worse down the road.

When you combine exercise and yoga stretches for lower back pain together, you get two excellent tools in your arsenal of healing. Exercise is great for building up strength and endurance. Yoga is perfect for maintaining elasticity and flexibility; two great attributes every muscle should have.

Elasticity will allow your muscles to extend and flex over and over again without causing any tears. Flexibility is needed when you need to over extend or over flex your muscles. It allows them to twist and turn whenever you need them to. Where most people would strain or sprain a muscle, yoga keeps your muscles limber enough to handle the task without injury.

Bodily exercise and yoga stretches for the lower back help not only the part of your lower back that's causing pain. But they help the entire rest of your body, too. Any type of exercise can get your heart rate up. An increased heart rate can help you burn off calories and fat, resulting in a leaner, stronger you. It can also keep your entire cardiovascular system running more effectively, letting your heart pump more efficiently. That can lead to less chance of a heart attack down the road.

Much like exercise, whenever you do yoga, you will be using more than just your lower back muscles. All of your muscles will receive the benefits of yoga as you move from one yoga position to the next. Each of your muscles will become more limber and flexible, allowing all of them to twist and bend more smoothly and efficiently whenever you require it.

As you can see, the benefits you receive from exercises and yoga stretches, for lower back pain affect far more than just your lower back.

Check out this website for more information.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Story of Parenting & Happiness

I’ve been feeling pretty scattered lately. I think it’s because it’s been 3 weeks since I had quality alone time, and somehow in that time, taking care of myself slipped to the bottom of my priority list, again.

Yes, I know it’s important. At least in theory: taking care of myself will benefit everyone around me, and not doing so will hurt the same people I love. But when things get busy, as they always do, something has to give.

I yelled at Ryan today. At the top of my lungs, I asked, “What do you need from me?? What do you want?”

No matter what I did, the boy just kept crying, at the top of his lungs. And by raising my voice I made it even worse. I just lost it. Lost in the noise of my own mind, blinded by frustration. Anger overcame my better judgment.

The look of horror on Ryan’s face is now imprinted on my memory, and I silently whispered a prayer that it isn’t imprinted on his.

When I picked him up, heavy tears rolled down his tiny face. And with the momentum of lifting him up, a few large drops landed on the edge of my mouth. They tasted salty, and at that instant, I felt a pang of sharp pain shooting through my body – pain from the sad realization that I had caused those tears.

I felt like a horrible parent. I felt like a horrible person. After Jeremy came home from work, I told him about it, and the look of disappointment on his face caused me to feel like I needed to be locked away in a dark room and have the keys be thrown away.

It was a pretty rough day. I felt defeated.

Jeremy said, – perhaps taking pity in me – that things like this happen all the time (to other people). I want to believe him, but I’m not sure. I think it’s me. I think I have anger/patience issues that I need to address and overcome.

From where I’m standing, every other parent seems to have it together. I see many new mothers who have the whole parenting thing together – they are not only patient, and make their own baby food, but also manage to take their babies to early education classes, bake for their family, and keep a perfectly organized household.

And then I look at myself: a baby-food-buying “horrible” parent who looses her temper. And our home is so messy that it looks like it’s been hit by a level 4 tornado.

It’s so easy to pick on ourselves when we are feeling bad.

Perhaps, Jeremy is right, that behind the closed door of every household, we aren’t as together as we let the world believe – an idealistic image of perfection and ever-flowing happiness. And only in the privacy of our own mind, do we silently hope that others won’t find out – that we’re not as perfect or happy as the pictures of our smiling faces portray.

I sighed, and thought, “motherhood is hard.”

And then I heard a voice in my heart say, “So what? That’s life! No one said it was gonna be an easy ride? You are creating the horrible experience by your thoughts and by your lack of awareness. You can change this!”

Yes! Yes, I can! I can’t change the situation, but I can change, through consistent practice, my reaction to things. You know how the saying goes: you can’t change the wind, but you can adjust the sail. I love that!
Through my own observation, I realized that no matter how beautiful you are, or how wealthy you are, or how successful you are, we all have one thing (of many) in common, and that is, we all have problems (relationship, stress and insecurities are the most common ones I’ve seen.).

My point is we should stop blaming our problems on a lack of something we think we should have (ie. beauty, money, smarts, etc.). Encountering problems is inherent to being human, and part of having the human experience.

The underlying story may be different, but we all have our unique challenges, and we either learn from them and move on, or get stuck and allow the pain to sting a little.

That’s what life is – a constant unfolding of events and challenges that defines our experiences. How we choose to perceive these experiences is up to us. How we choose to welcome or resist the challenges is also up to us.

We, essentially, shape our future, by the decisions we make right now. Regardless of what happened in the past moment, regardless of the ‘mistakes’ we’ve made, the future is always fresh, and the power lies in the Now – where we get to decide how we will direct the path of our future.

Regret and self-pity will only keep us stuck in the past. And only we have the power, to keep ourselves stuck in the unhappiness of our problems.

After Ryan went to bed for the night, Jeremy and I talked about our options, and drilled into why it happened. The results were fruitful and plenty.

And if you’re curious, my biggest take away from that conversation is that I am trying to do too much when watching my son. I am dividing my attention between trying to be productive with house chores and my businesses, and fulfilling the needs of a very active (and very curious) 10 month old.

It just doesn’t work, and it is a conflict. A young child is sensitive enough to pick up on the energy that he doesn’t have your full attention, and will do what it takes to get your attention. At this tender age, it is important that he feels engaged, talked to, played with, read to, and not ignored – because mommy is busy with something else.

Jeremy also reminded me of how lucky we are that I have the option to stay at home and witness our little baby grow into a boy. And that this period of demanding infancy is short lived, and once it’s over, we’ll look back regretting that we didn’t appreciate how beautiful and sacred this period was.

With tears welling up in my eyes, I agreed. We are so lucky to have such a healthy and happy baby boy. And yes, I do take things for granted, and I appreciate the reminder for giving gratitude for the countless blessings in my life.

Next time I feel anger, or find myself at the tip of frustration, before loosing my cool I will do 3 things:
Close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Give gratitude that I have such a healthy and precious baby boy.

Dwell on his innocence. Meditate on his cuteness and purity. Connect with him. In other words, being mindful around him, and appreciating the beautiful moments we have in the Now.

Most importantly, I vow to never yell at him again. I vow to change. I want to change. I want to be a better person… to be a better mom… to become a better role model for my little man.

If he is someone who I would easily give my life for, then I sure as heck can change to become a better person for him. My behavior and reactions to the external are a matter of habits, and a habit can be changed. It’s a matter of decision and commitment.

Today, I’ve decided to change. Today, I am committed to becoming a more patient and dedicated parent.
Along the way, I know I will make mistakes. And when I do, I will be kind to myself. I will accept myself for who I am right now, and know that I am on a pathway of awakening, riding through the challenges and overcoming emotional habits that are not conducive to the wellbeing of my family – who mean the world to me.

This morning (5 days later), while feeding Ryan his breakfast of yogurt and breast milk, in his playful mumbling, I vaguely heard “mama” snuggled in between the “baba” sounds. In that moment, time froze, and I felt as though my heart skipped a beat.

“Ahh, This is what happiness is all about. The simple moments where miracles happen that change you forever.”, I thought.

I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry. I think I did both.

Article source :

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How You Can Benefit From Personal Development

You have the power to transform your life for the better through personal development. The following tips describe easy ways to improve your personality, moral character, and way of living.

If you want to make progress in the area of personal development, you need to declare lowliness. You will want to learn all you can, once you realize that you have only scratched the surface of all there is to be known. A humble attitude puts you in the right mindset to learn new things and develop as a human being.

Base your development plan on your values and goals. It doesn't make any sense to focus on things that your value set does not include. Focus on positive aspects to improve. These aspects should mesh with your values. This will help you make significant changes to your life, both at home and at work.

If you take proper care of your physical needs, you will get the maximum benefit from your personal development approach. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising on a regular schedule so that you have enough energy during the day, and you will find it will be a little easier to reach success. Although this is simple advice, it is perhaps one of the hardest things that we can master.

Exercise can benefit almost anyone, even those who are not trying to shed excess weight. There are many reason you should do physical exercise. When you exercise, your body produces a number of chemicals, such as endorphin, which improve your overall mood.

Compliment other people. You can reverse the process, though. Being kind and positive to other people puts you in a good mindset and encourages you to treat yourself right.

It isn't possible to care for someone else at your own expense. No matter what point you are in on your journey, you should always take time to breathe.

Whereas trying to fix your problems yourself is always a great idea, sometimes you might have to seek out professional help. Books that teach self help are helpful, but do not contain the one-on-one personal touch you can get from a therapist. For some people, they have much more success when they can talk openly about their problems. Books can't interact with people the way a trained psychiatrist is able to.

You should always be respectful towards people, no matter what power they hold or what they could do for you. Your treatment of others is a direct reflection of you character.

Identify which things in life are the most important to you, then focus on obtaining and maintaining them. You will have much more inner peace if you just choose to focus on things that matter to you.

These suggestions may have helped you find a way to be a better all around you! With the tips you just learned you can begin in your efforts towards personal development, helping you reshape your life for the better so you can begin anew.

Check out this website for more information. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What Kind of Yoga is Best?

There are different forms of yoga. This type of exercise can leave you toned and supple or you may even be spiritually enlightened according to some teachers. Yoga is the latest thing. It has reshaped some of the greatest stars all the way from Madonna to Sting.

Some forms of yoga are more physical and some are highly spiritual. Yoga is extremely good for fatigue, depression, arthritis, aging, stress-related illness, migraine, PMS, back pain and mobility problems.

You must first decide why you wish to start yoga and then go about choosing the appropriate form for you. The principles of yoga are quite simple - relax, tune out everything and stretch and you will feel better.

If you are looking to get fit these types of yoga are for you:

” Hatha yoga ”

This type of yoga is based on controlled stretching. An emphasis is placed on developing a flexible spine. This type of yoga is excellent for all levels of fitness.

” Vini yoga ”

This type of yoga is gentle and safe and is very good for older people. It is taught by a teacher called a Desikachar and is usually taught on an individual basis.

If you really want to get physical then you should choose these types of yoga:

” Lyenger yoga ”
This type of yoga focuses on correct postures. It often makes use of ropes and blocks to maintain these postures.

” Sivananda yoga ”

This type of yoga is suitable for every age and covers a wide range of poses which range from simple to complex. ” Ashtanga yoga ” This type of yoga is known as power yoga. It is very demanding and is only suitable for those people who are very fit.

For those of you who want to get spiritual, then you would want to choose from these types of yoga:

” Raja yoga ”

This is often referred to as royal yoga. It is concerned with the mind.

” Dru yoga ”

This is group yoga which concentrates very heavily on breath work.

” Jnana yoga ”

This concentrates on the philosophical aspects of youga and is very spiritual and meditative.

Check out this website for more information.